Instructions for Authors

Session talks

This section refers to the invited 10mn talks that are part of the chaired sessions.

Authors are asked to use the attached template. Please, note that ONLY ppt powerpoint presentations can be displayed (NO pptx.).

These talks are limited to 10mn. Due to the intense programme, the session chairs will be very strict on making sure you respect the timing.

Remember, there will be no time for questions at the end of your talk. The round table will provide room for that as well discussion of key issues that will be the core content of a synthesis paper where your data will be included. In other words, there will be one paper per session, authored by the session chairs and all contributing session speakers.

You must therefore provide a summary of your talk to your session chairs (instructions will follow). Failing in providing this summary will suppose your data will not be included in the paper.


5mn-talks and poster

This section refers to authors whose abstract was accepted to be part of the afternoon sessions. Although theses sessions will not be chaired, a strict control of timing will be applied. Please, use the same template as the invited session presentations (attached).

Your 5mn-talk is associated to a poster (A1 size) that will be displayed the whole day when your talk is scheduled. You must therefore make sure it is hanged in the morning and retrieved at the end of the day to leave room for the following day.

Your presence is required at your poster where attendees will be able to ask you questions. These informal presentations will be facilitated by a glass of wine offered during the evening session 🙂

(Please, download the template here.)

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Vilanova i la Geltrú in a few days!