

Paul White, University of Southampton, UK, Tracking in the context of impacts from underwater noise

Ross Compton, International Association of Geophysical Contractors, UK, Environmental Aspects of Acoustic Geophysical Surveys: An Industry Perspective

Francine Kershaw, Natural Resources Defence Council, USA, Towards acoustically healthy habitats for marine animals: an NGO perspective

Session Name Chairs Invited Speakers
Metrics & Measurements Bruce Martin, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada

Jennifer Mikis-Olds, University of New Hampshire, USA

Leila Hatch, NOAA, USA, Developing Metrics and Measurements to Support Implementation of the US NOAA Ocean Noise Strategy

Michael Ainslie, TNO, The Netherlands, Metrics for monitoring underwater sound: an EU perspective

Bob Gisiner, International Association of Geophysical Contractors, USA, Metrics and Standards for Geophysical Surveys

Michael Stocker, Ocean Conservation Research, USA, Metrics, Relativism, and the Precautionary Principle

Dorian Houser, National Marine Mammal Foundation, USA, Standardization of AEP threshold measurements in toothed whales and why it is needed

Jennifer Mikis-Olds, University of New Hampshire, USA, Atlantic Deepwater Ecosystem Observatory Network (ADEON): An Integrated System

Ambient Noise & Soundscpes Nathan D. Merchant, CEFAS, UK

Mark Prior, TNO, The Netherlands

Mark Prior, TNO, The Netherlands, Underwater Ambient Noise, Ambient Sound and Soundscapes

Manuel Castellote, NOAA, USA, Contributors to the Arctic soundscape: describing the puzzle pieces

Charlotte Findlay, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), UK, Large-scale underwater noise pollution from Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) on the west coast of Scotland

Meng-Fan Tsai, Oceansound CO., LTD, Taiwan, Underwater Soundscape at offshore wind farm sites in Taiwan

Michael Ainslie, TNO, The Netherlands, Metrics for risk assessment: terminology, data processing and reporting

Nathan D. Merchant, CEFAS, UK, Trend detection in ambient noise levels and implications for environmental indicators

Policy & Management René Dekeling, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, The Netherlands

Leila Hatch, NOAA, USA

René Dekeling, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, The Netherlands, Development of impact indicators

Charlotte Findlay, Joint Natue Conservation Committee (JNCC), UK, The spatial and temporal distribution of impulsive underwater noise for UK seas – an initial assessment

Manuel Castellote, NOAA, USA, Noise Registry suitability for regulation and management purposes

Mathias Andersson, FOI, Sweden, BIAS: the Soundscape Planning Tool and options for interpretation of the data 

Roberto Racca, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada, Assessing Lost Listening Area in the US Arctic and Gulf of Mexico: practices and considerations for interpretation

Michael Jasny, National Research Defence Council, USA, Novel approaches to noise management and regulation: The need for new tools

Mapping & Modelling Thomas Folégot, Quiet-Oceans, France

Kevin Heany, OASIS Inc., USA

Bruce Martin, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada, So you’ve collected two months of directional soundscape data … now what?

Kevin Heany, OASIS Inc., USA, High fidelity soundscape modeling of the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)

Florian Aulanier, UQAR-Ismer, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada, Probabilistic modelling and mapping of shipping noise in large-scale Canadian ecosystems

Anthony Eller, OASIS, Inc., USA, Selecting Statistics from Ocean Noise Data for Archiving and Mapping

Thomas Folégot, Quiet-Oceans, France, On the exploitation of noise maps at a regional scale: a testimony of the BIAS project

Basile Kinda, SHOM, France, Influences of ambient noise model uncertainties on the definition of good environmental status

Pile driving and other impulsive sources Roberto Racca, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada

Christ de Jong, TNO, the Netherlands

Michael A. Bellmann, Institute of Marine Research, Germany, Pile-Driving Noise: What are the main influencing parameters? And how to handle noise regulations in different nations?

Guillermo Jiménez, Seiche LTD, Review of Sounds Produced by Pile-Driving Activities (JIP)

Alex MacGillivray, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada, Underwater noise from pile driving of conductor casing at an offshore oil platform

Christ de Jong, TNO, The Netherlands, Marine pile driving noise beyond 20 km: data and predictions

Dick Hazelwood, R&V Hazelwood Associates LLP, UK, The effects of water motion induced by the passing of ground roll vibrations in the seabed

Mathias Andersson, FOI, Sweden, Particle motion and sound pressure measurements from a 90 cubic inch air gun during a fish behaviour experiment in a Norwegian fjord

Seismic Arrays David Hedgeland, BP, UK

Mike Jenkersen, Exxon-Mobil, USA

Mike Jenkersen, Exxon-Mobil, USA The Marine Vibrator JIP: Technical and Operational Specifications – Status Update

Bill Pramik (represented by Mike Jenkersen), Geokinetics, USA, Recent Gulf of Mexico Data Acquisition Project and Results

Kirsty Speirs (represented by Mike Jenkersen), IOGP E&P Sound & Marine Life JIP, Environmental Impact Assessment of Marine Vibrator Technology

Guillermo Jiménez, Seiche LTD, Review of Sounds Produced by Hi-Res/Engineering Sources (JIP)

– Bruce Martin, JASCO Applied Sciences, Characteristics of seismic pulses and the ambient soundscape in Baffin Bay and Melville Bay, West Greenland, measured during the 2012 – 2014 Shell seismic programs

Stephen Simpson, University of Exeter, UK, Novel approaches for managing biological impacts of seismic sound

Riverine & Coastal Habitats Tomonari Akamatsu, Fisheries Research Agency, Japan

– Chi-Fang Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Shane Guan, The Catholic University of America, USA, SEL or SPL? Some Insights on Impact Pile Driving Noise Exposure Assessment in Coastal Waters

– Chi-Fang Chen, National University of Taiwan, Taiwan, Study of Anthropogenic Underwater Noise Impact in the offshore region of Western Taiwan

Lien-Siang Chou, National University of Taiwan, Taiwan, Progress of environmental impact assessment of offshore wind farms in Taiwan– from an aspect of a critically endangered dolphin population

Michel André, Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech (UPC), Contributing to the understanding of the Pink Dolphin biological activity through the monitoring of its sounds in the Mamirauá Reserve (Amazonas, Brazil)

Songhai Li (represented by Tomonari Akamatsu), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Shipping noises in a key habitat of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis)

Tomonari Akamatsu, Fisheries Research Agency, Japan, Reactions of singing behavior of humpback whales to ship noise off Ogasawara island, Tokyo

Polar Habitat Philippe Blondel, University of Bath, UK

Hanne Sagen, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Norway

Mike van der Schaar, Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech (UPC), Arctic anthropogenic sound contributions during the 2013 and 2014 seasons

Nathalie Roy, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada, Analysis of year-round natural ambient noise in Hudson Bay, Canada

Basile Kinda, SHOM, France, Decadal change in under-ice ambient noise in the Eastern Beaufort Sea, Canadian Arctic,

Bruce Martin, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada, Spatio-temporal correlation of under-ice noise in the Chukchi Sea 2012-2013

Torill Hamre, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Norway, Integration of Acoustic Data in the H2020 INTAROS Project

Jennifer Miksis-Olds, University of New Hampshire, USA Tracking Changes in the Bering Sea through Ocean Sound

Shipping Eric Baudin, Bureau Veritas, France

Christ de Jong, TNO, The Netherlands

– Eric Baudin, Bureau Veritas, France, AQUO/SONIC & i3 – Brief projects overview and main conclusions

Orla Robinson, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, Canada, ECHO Program progress: vessel noise reduction incentives and implementation of a vessel noise measurement and ranking system

Martin Gassmann, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA, Directionality of underwater radiated noise from contemporary merchant ships

Yvan Simard, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Canada, Source levels of merchant ships along seaways and the 3D mapping of masking risk of blue and fin whales calls

Tjakko Keizer, Damen Shipyards, The Netherlands, Effect of pitch and rotational speed on underwater sound produced by a controllable pitch propeller

Alfonso Moreno Rodríguez, TSI, Spain, The Use of Numerical Prediction Tools Inside The “TSI-Noise And Vibration Comprehensive Management” Methodology to Build “Silent Ships”

Behaviour Mathias Andersson, Foi, Sweden

Paul Wensveen, University of Iceland, Iceland

Tonje Nesse Forland, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, Behaviour of penned Atlantic mackerel exposed to increasing levels of seismic airgun pulses

Heikki Peltonen, Finnish Environment Institute, MRC, Finland, Behavioural responses of brackish water fish on underwater noise – novel experimental approaches

Paul Wensveen, University of Iceland, Iceland Northern bottlenose whales in a pristine habitat far from naval ranges behaviourally respond to close and distant sonar sources

Saana Isojunno, University of St Andrews, UK, Activity budgets in long-finned pilot whales: individual, social and environmental context of behavioral responses to naval sonar

Rebecca Dunlop, University of Queensland, Australia, The response of migrating humpback whales to the acoustic field from a full commercial seismic air gun array

Nathan Merchant, CEFAS, UK, Behavioural responses of bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises to impact and vibration piling noise during harbour construction

Sensitivity & Pathology Michele Halvorsen, CSA Oceans Sciences Inc., USA

Mike Noad, University of Queensland, Australia

Marta Solé, Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech (UPC), Sensitivity to sound of cephalopod hatchlings

Jayson Semmens, University of Tasmania, Australia, Are seismic surveys putting bivalve and spiny lobster fisheries at risk?

Tormey Reimer, The University of Melbourne, USA, Vaterite otoliths and hearing loss in farmed fish

Rune Roland Hansen, University of Oslo, Norway, Playback of seismic airgun signals and infrasound elicit evasive swimming responses in The Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)

Michele Halvorsen, CSA Oceans Sciences, USA, Barotrauma injury onset relative to number of impulses and sound exposure level

Jolie Harrison, NOAA, USA, Developing and Implementing National Acoustic Guidance: Processes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned

Paul Wensveen, University of Iceland, Iceland, Underwater equal-latency contours and auditory weighting functions for a harbor porpoise for frequencies of 0.5 to 125 kHz

Frans-Peter Lam, TNO, The Netherlands, Temporary hearing threshold shifts in a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) after exposure to sequences of airgun sounds

Dorian Houser, National Marine Mammal Foundation, USA, Characterizing stress responses in small odontocetes

Renewable Energy Frank Thomsen, DHI Denmark

Michael Ainslie, TNO, The Netherlands

Bruce Martin, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada, Dependence of underwater sound levels from pile driving of a four-leg-jacket wind turbine foundations on the direction and hammer energy

– Chi-Fang Chen, National University of Taiwan, Taiwan Pile Driving Noise Measurement of the First Offshore Wind Turbine in Taiwan

Federica Pace, Baker Consultants Marine Ltd., UK, Offshore wind parks foundation installation – it is not just about piling. Experience from the Wikinger OWF and OSS monitoring campaign

Maja Nimak-Wood, Gardline Environmental, UK, The evolution of mitigation technology for the East Coast USA offshore renewable sector

Alain Norro, RBINS-ODNature, Belgium, Characterisation of the underwater sound emitted during operation of two wind farms located on the Belgian part of the North Sea

Mitigation John Young, DHI, USA

Jukka Pajala, Finnish environment Institute, Finland

Bob Gisiner, International Association of Geophysical Contractors, USA, Models and Risk Mitigation

Toni Meriläinen, Luode Consulting Oy, Finland, Marine construction work: Mitigation tools and techniques e.g. seasonal behavior of seals/fishes

Mark S. Wochner, AdBm Technologies, USA, Noise Reduction of Unexploded Ordinance Detonations using Tunable Acoustic Resonators

Max Schuster, DW-ShipConsult GmbH, Germany, Long-term measurements in NATURA2000 area with source detection algorithms

Maja Nimak-Wood, Gardline Environmental, UK, From Mitigation to Science – the Value of Marine Mammal Observers’ data

Paul Holthus, Ocean World Council, USA, Creating a Global Multi-Stakeholder Platform for Ongoing Efforts to Understand and Address Marine Sound


Tuesday 09 May

Alex MacGillivray, JASCO Applied Sciences, Canada, Demonstrating the feasibility of near-real time vessel noise mapping to manage marine mammal noise impacts

Dorian Houser, National Marine Mammal Foundation, USA, Marine mammal auditory weighting function history, development, application, and future direction

Linda Weilgart, OceanCare & Dalhousie University, Canada, A modelling comparison between received sound levels produced by a marine Vibroseis array and those from an airgun array for some typical seismic survey scenarios

Alba Solsona Berga, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, USA, Correlating temporal patterns of sperm whales with environmental variables at the ANTARES underwater observatory in the Mediterranean Sea

Wednesday 10 May

Feng Chen, Plymouth University, UK, An adaptive grid to improve the efficiency and accuracy of shipping noise modelling

Jarek Tegowski (represented by Philippe Blondel), Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdansk, Poland, Passive Acoustics and melting processes in Spitsbergen glaciers

Junio Fabrizio Borsani, ISPRA, Italy, Measures Of Underwater Sound Irradiated From A Plant For Re-Gasification Of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)

Mike Jenkersen, Exxon-Mobil, USA, Recent advantages in scientific understanding of the effects of sound from seismic surveys

JeanSebastien Guillaume, RTSYS, France, Wi-Fi Remote Hydrophone Buoy


 Thursday 11 May

Karen de Jong, University of Cologne, France, Reproductive behaviour of both sexes can be affected by noise in fish

Karen Bussmann, University of Tuebingen, Germany, The influence of anthropogenic noise on behaviour and communcation of the corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops)

Michael Noad, University of Queensland, Australia, The importance of sound type in behavioral response studies of whales