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Saturday, October 5, 2024at 10:03:38

Metrics & Measurements
Leila Hatch | NOAA
Dr. Hatch is a marine ecologist working for the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US NOAA). She works for NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and is based at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off the US’s northeast coast where she leads the site’s acoustics research program. She provides technical support for the growth of passive acoustic science and ocean noise impact management capacity throughout US sanctuaries. With her colleagues from NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service, she co-leads NOAA’s Ocean Noise Strategy initiative which seeks to improve the agency’s ability to address ocean noise impacts to the species and habitats in its trust.
Metrics & Measurements
Michael Ainslie | TNO
Michael Ainslie is a Senior Scientist at TNO (Netherlands) and Visiting Professor at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Un. Southampton (UK). He holds degrees in physics (Imperial College) and mathematics (Un. of Cambridge), and a PhD in seabed acoustics (University of Southampton). He is author of the book Principles of Sonar Performance Modeling (Springer, 2010), and his research interests include sonar performance modeling and effects of sound on aquatic life. He is Convenor of the ISO Working Group ISO/TC 43/SC 3/WG 2 (Underwater Acoustical Terminology).
Metrics & Measurements
Bob Gisiner | International Association of Geophysical Contractors
Bob Gisiner is the IAGC Director of Marine Environment – Science & Biology. Following postdoctoral studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz, he took a research position at the US Navy Marine Mammal Program, then the Office of Naval Research and finally the Living Marine Resources program. Dr. Gisiner also served as Scientific Program Director for the US Marine Mammal Commission.
Metrics & Measurements
Michael Stocker | Ocean Conservation Research
Michael Stocker is a technical generalist conversant in electronics, signal processing, physics, biology, and acoustics. These interdisciplinary skills are a useful compliment to his work in marine bio-acoustics – a field he has been working in since 1992. His circuitous path to now has passed through electronic and acoustical design for music production facilities and museums, and multi-instrumental music performance. His work on cult movie Koyaaniqatsi set his social agenda for a decade.
Metrics & Measurements
Dr. Dorian Houser | National Marine Mammal Foundation
Dorian Houser is the Director of Conservation and Biological Research for the National Marine Mammal Foundation, located in San Diego, California. He is the former vice-chair and current chair of the Acoustical Society of America Committee on Standards S3/SC1, Animal Bioacoustics. Dorian has 23 years of experience in the study of marine mammal physiology and bioacoustics and has published over 100 papers and 8 book chapters on marine mammal physiology, behavior, and acoustics.
Metrics & Measurements
Dr. Jennifer Mikis-Olds | University of New Hampshire, USA
Dr. Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds is the Associate Director of Research and Research Professor in the School of Marine Science & Ocean Engineering at the University of New Hampshire, also holding a research position in the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping. Dr. Miksis-Olds is the university Member Representative and on the Board of Trustees of the Consortium for Ocean Leadership. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment Program and serves as a Scientific Advisor to the Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Programme (International Oil & Gas Producers). Dr. Miksis-Olds was the recipient of an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program award in 2011 and the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering in 2013. Dr. Miksis-Olds received her A.B. cum laude in Biology from Harvard University, her M.S. in Biology from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; she was a guest student at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and then received her Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island.
Ambient Noise & Soundscapes
Dr. Zhitao Wang | Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Zhitao Wang work focuses on the bioacoustic of marine and freshwater mammals. I am particularly interested in the microgeographic and macrogeographic variation of whistles of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis), the vocalization of the Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis ssp. asiaeorientalis). Passive acoustic monitoring the distribution pattern of humpback dolphin and finless porpoise and underwater construction noise assessment are also my interested topics.
Ambient Noise & Soundscapes
Mrs. Charlotte Findlay | Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), UK
Charlotte Findlay is the MSFD Noise Registry Adviser at JNCC, coordinating the collection of data on impulsive noise through the UK Marine Noise Registry to fulfil requirements for the MSFD Descriptor 11. She is a member of the TG-Noise and OSPAR ICG-Noise. Prior to this she studied at the University of St Andrews and Scottish Association for Marine Science, assessing the extent of underwater noise pollution from Acoustic Deterrent Devices used at fish farms on the west coast of Scotland.
Ambient Noise & Soundscapes
Dr. Nathan Merchant | Cefas
I lead the Noise and Bioacoustics Team at Cefas, advising UK Government on underwater noise. I am co-convener of the OSPAR Intersessional Correspondence Group on Noise (ICG-NOISE), which provides scientific coordination for the North-East Atlantic, and am a member of TG Noise for the EU MSFD. I have a PhD in underwater acoustics from the University of Bath.
Keynote Academia
Prof. Paul White | University of Southampton
Since 2004, Professor Paul White has held a chair in Statistical Signal Processing in the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) at the University of Southampton. In 2013 he was became the director of ISVR. Historically Professor White’s research areas have included signal processing in a variety of application fields, including underwater acoustics, condition monitoring and biomedicine. However, the primary research focus has always been in underwater acoustics.
Management & Policy
Dr. Roberto Racca | JASCO Applied Sciences
Dr Roberto Racca has had a long career in senior management at JASCO Applied Sciences: he is currently Chief Communications Officer after serving many years as President and CEO and VP for R&D before that. He is also a senior scientist in the company and has extensive experience coordinating complex research and analysis projects in underwater acoustics. His research interests include acoustic source detection and localization, sound propagation modelling, and monitoring of underwater and airborne noise. He is actively involved in the development of methods and standards for assessing acoustic impact on marine species. Dr. Racca’s technical communication and leadership abilities have been formed through decades of scientific work both in academia and in the private sector. Although his current professional activities are primarily in acoustics, he has worked with distinction in other fields including medical physics and electro-optics. In 1994 Dr. Racca was awarded the Hubert Schardin Gold Medal of the German Physical Institute in recognition, among other work, of his innovative use of CCD imagers in high-speed videography applications.
Mapping & Modelling
Dr. Florian Aulanier | UQAR-Ismer, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Florian Aulanier, is an engineer in marine science and technologies, specialized in remote sensing, with a PhD in signal processing applied to ocean acoustics. His research interest include shipping noise impact, acoustic propagation modeling, ocean acoustic tomography and applied mathematics. Since 2014, he has been focusing on developing and apply probabilistic methods to characterize the impact of shipping noise on marine ecosystems, and develop mitigation solutions.
Mapping & Modelling
Dr. Anthony Eller | OASIS, Inc.
Dr. Eller\'s fifty years of professional experiences include independent university research, teaching physics and underwater acoustics, managing ASW-related exploratory development programs at Navy laboratories and the Office of Naval Technology, and working as a contractor in support of Navy R&D programs. Technical areas include cavitation bubble dynamics, parametric sonar, non-linear vibration, sonar system performance modeling, and underwater ambient noise variability.
Mapping & Modelling
Dr. Thomas Folegot | Quiet-Oceans
Dr. Thomas Folegot has worked for the French Military Centre of Oceanography on ocean acoustic tomography issues. He made his phD at the University of Paris on time reversal detection and spent 5 years at the NATO Undersea Research Centre in the fields of high frequency propagation and harbour protection. He’s founded Quiet-Oceans in 2010 to bring ocean noise modelling and noise mapping into the emergent field of environmental noise. He is an active member of the EU/Technical Subgroup Noise.
Pile-driving & Impulisive Sounds
Dr. Michael A. Bellmann | Institute of Marine Research
PhD in physics/acoustics. Managing director of the itap GmbH. More than 15 years\' experience in measuring air- as well as water-borne noise during offshore windfarm construction. Vibration measurements with geophones onshore, offshore and in aircrafts since 2000. Since 2011 evaluating noise mitigation systems with underwater noise measurements. Project manager for several large consulting and research projects. Since 2005 public appointed and deponent technical expert for vibration measurements in Germany.
Pile-driving & Impulisive Sounds
Mr. Guillermo Jiménez | Seiche LTD
Guillermo Jiménez works as an acoustic engineer at Seiche Ltd., in the UK. After finishing his studies on sound and image engineering and a MSc on architectural and environmental acoustics at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, he received an offer from Seiche Ltd. and the University of Bath to work as a research associate for a period of three years, under the Knowledge Transfer Partnership scheme. The three years project was graded ‘Outstanding’, and Guillermo is now a full employee of Seiche Ltd. His academic and research interests include room acoustics, signal processing, numerical modelling, electro-acoustics and music production.
Pile-driving & Impulisive Sounds
Mr. Alex MacGillivray | JASCO Applied Sciences
Alexander is a scientist and project manager at JASCO Applied Sciences and has extensive experience in underwater and airborne acoustic modelling and measurement. He holds a B.Sc. degree in Physics and an M.Sc. degree in Earth and Ocean Sciences from the University of Victoria. His work primarily involves research and development of computational algorithms for modelling noise exposure of marine mammals and fish. His past work includes computational noise models for seismic airguns, marine pile driving, survey sonars, marine shipping, and full-wave propagation of impulses.
Pile-driving & Impulisive Sounds
Dr. Christ de Jong | TNO Acoustics and Sonar
CHRIST DE JONG is a senior scientist in the Acoustics and Sonar department of TNO (the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) in The Hague. Working at TNO since 1986, he has carried out many research projects aimed at measuring and managing the underwater acoustic signature of ships and naval platforms. In the last decade his field has been extended with studies of the impact of the underwater sound of various anthropogenic sources (ships, dredgers, marine piling) on aquatic species like harbour porpoises, harbour seals and fish (larvae).
Keynote Industry
Dr. Ross Compton | International Association of Geophysical Contractors
Ross Compton is the Europe, Africa & Middle East (EAME) Representative for IAGC. Ross is also a Project Manager with RPS Energy in the UK, dealing with marine mammal mitigation services for marine seismic, construction piling and unexploded ordnance operations. A graduate of Ecological Science from the University of Edinburgh and Marine Science from the University of Plymouth, Ross has worked in the seismic industry since 2005.
Dr. Stephen Simpson | University of Exeter, UK
I am a marine biologist and fish ecologist, with particular interests in bioacoustics (including impacts of anthropogenic noise on marine ecosystems), fish behaviour, effects of climate change on marine fisheries, and innovative management approaches. My work combines fieldwork, often through expeditions to remote and challenging environments, with laboratory-based behaviour experiments, data-mining and computer modelling.
Tue 5mn talks
Dr. Linda Weilgart | OceanCare & Dalhousie University
Lindy Weilgart has specialized in underwater noise pollution and its effects on cetaceans since 1994. She has studied whales since 1982, and her M.Sc. (MUN), Ph.D. (Dalhousie), and post-doctoral studies (Cornell) were all on free-ranging whale acoustic communication. Lindy has served as invited noise expert for DFO Canada, U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, IWC, NATO, European Parliament, Convention on Biodiversity, and the UN. She is currently an Adjunct (Biology Dept., Dalhousie) and serves as Scientific Advisor for the International Ocean Noise Coalition and OceanCare.
Tue 5mn talks
Mrs. Alba Solsona Berga | Scripps Institute of Oceanography, USA
Alba Solsona Berga is a phD student from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. She received her B.S in Biology from the University of Barcelona in 2012, and her M.Sc in Biological Oceanography from University of Vigo in 2013. Her current research focuses on automated detection and classification techniques for acoustic signals, with a focus on beaked and sperm whales, and how anthropogenic noise and environmental variables role species habitat presence. She conducted part of her research at the Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics, Spain. She is currently at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (San Diego, USA), detecting and estimating population sizes of sperm whales in Golf of Mexico. When she’s not wrestling with MATLAB, she likes to spread the knowledge and inspiration of biomimicry for sustainable innovations.
Riverine and Coastal Habitat
Dr. Shane Guan | The Catholic University of America
Dr. Shane Guan is a faculty member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The Catholic University of America, where he teaches graduate level courses in ocean acoustics and marine bioacoustics. His research interests include ocean ambient noise and sound field characterization, and underwater noise impacts to marine life. He also serves as a Fishery Biologist with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Shane has a Master of Science\'s degree in marine biology and a Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering with a focus in underwater acoustics.
Riverine and Coastal Habitat
Dr. Chi-Fang Chen | National University of Taiwan
Dr. Chi-Fang Chen received her Ph.D. in the Department of Ocean Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1991, and started her career as the faculty member of the Department of Naval Architecture of National Taiwan University from 1991 till now. (Department of Naval Architecture was renamed as Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering in 2000). Her research expertise and interest is underwater acoustics. She is involved in many EIA projects in Taiwan concerning underwater noise measurement and modeling and noise impact assessment study. Lately she has carried out underwater noise measurement during the construction of the first two offshore wind turbines in the west coast of Taiwan. She is also doing bioacoustics study in recognizing the voice calls from different species in the ocean which includes Sousa chinensis in Taiwan waters.
Riverine and Coastal Habitat
Dr. Lien-Siang Chou | Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University
Dr. Lien-Siang Chou is a professor of the Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the National Taiwan University. Her research interests include animal behavior and ecology. She has been involved in cetacean research and conservation in Taiwan since 1991. Dr. Chou is also a founder of a nation-wide “Taiwan Cetacean Stranding Network” and “Taiwan Cetacean Society”. Since 2005, Dr. Chou has been involved in research on human impacts on the Eastern Taiwan Strait Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin issues.
Riverine and Coastal Habitat
Dr. Michel André | Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech (UPC)
Michel André is a research professor at the Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech (UPC) and the director of the Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics. The LAB coordinates the international LIDO ( programme that monitors ocean noise at basin and regional scales and offers services to the offshore industries through its spinoff company The LAB conducts pioneer research on the effects of noise on marine invertebrates and develop technological solutions for an environmentally responsible exploration of the oceans
Riverine and Coastal Habitat
Prof. Songhai Li | Sanya Key Laboratory of Marine Mammal and Marine Bioacoustics, Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Songhai LI, Ph.D. & Prof., Head, Sanya Key Laboratory of Marine Mammal and Marine Bioacoustics, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. My primary research field is in marine bioacoustics, ecology, biology, and evolution of marine mammals. I work on sound and biosonar production, hearing and noise effect, visual and passive acoustic survey, and conservation of aquatic mammals. My research subjects include but not limited to whales, dolphins, and porpoises. The researches involve noise and high-frequency bio-sound recording and analysis, ecological surveys, auditory evoked potential recording by using ABR technology, underwater bio-sound detection.
Riverine and Coastal Habitat
Dr. Tomonari Akamatsu | Fisheries Research Agency, Japan
Passive acoustic monitoring of dolphins, porpoised and fish. Environmental assessment of offshore windmill. Development of dolphin mimetic sonar to identify the size and species individually.
Dr. Mike van der Schaar | Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech (UPC)
Mike van der Schaar is a researcher at the Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics spending most of his time working on real-time data processing, in particular the classification of underwater acoustic events and the measurement of noise.
Mrs. Nathalie Roy | Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Nathalie is a physicist at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Mont-Joli, Quebec. She contributes to research in hydroacoustics applied to the study of marine mammal ecosystems.
Keynote NGO
Dr. Francine Kershaw | Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Francine Kershaw, PhD Natural Resources Defense Council As part of NRDC’s Marine Mammal Protection Project, Francine Kershaw identifies areas of the ocean that are crucial for marine mammals and then assesses how vulnerable those areas are to human impacts. She combines information on marine mammal behavior, genetics, and oceanography using geospatial tools to advocate for and improve marine mammal protections. Prior to joining NRDC, Kershaw worked at the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre in Cambridge, U.K. She holds a bachelor’s degree in zoology from the University of Leeds and a master’s degree in biodiversity, conservation, and management from the University of Oxford. She earned her Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology from Columbia University. Kershaw is a member of the IUCN Joint WCPA/SSC Marine Mammal Protected Area Task Force (MMPATF). She works out of NRDC’s New York office.
Mr. Eric Baudin | Bureau Veritas
Eric is heading the onsite measurements section within the Service Department of Bureau Veritas Marine and Offshore. He joined BV in 2000 as onsite measurement engineer. Graduated mechanical engineer from Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers de Paris, Eric has managed for BV measurement related R&D through EU projects on underwater noise such as SILENV and AQUO. He joined the IMO workshop for underwater noise guidelines in 2013 and the i3 initiative Racket in the Ocean in 2016
Mrs. Orla Robinson | ECHO Program Manager, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority
Orla Robinson is Program Manager for the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority\'s Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) program. She has lead the development and management of this collaborative initiative which aims to better understand and reduce cumulative threats to at-risk whale species that may arise from commercial vessel activities throughout the southern coast of British Columbia, Canada. Orla works in a dynamic environment managing the advancement of numerous research projects, as well as seeking the ongoing input and advice of scientists, marine transportation industries, conservation groups, First Nations individuals and government agencies in finding real world vessel noise reduction solutions.
Dr. Martin Gassmann | Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Dr. Martin Gassmann is a postdoctoral researcher at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA. He is interested in both natural and anthropogenic underwater sound and has worked extensively with hydrophone arrays to characterize ship noise and marine mammal sound. In addition to a Diplom-Ingenieur degree in Electrical Engineering (Communications) from the University of Rostock, Germany, he holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering (Applied Ocean Science) from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the University of California, San Diego.
Dr. Yvan Simard | Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Yvan Simard is a biological oceanographer using active and passive acoustics to study the marine mammals and their ecosystem, the multi-scale links with the oceanographic forcing and biological processes, and the anthropogenic imprint on the underwater soundscapes of their essential habitats, at the Maurice-Lamontagne Institute of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the associated research Chair at the Marine Sciences Institute of the University of Québec at Rimouski, Québec, Canada.
Mr. Tjakko Keizer | Damen Shipyards
Tjakko Keizer graduated in 2007 from the Delft University of Technology with a MSc degree in Marine Technology specialized in ship hydrodynamics (resistance and propulsion). After his study he started working as a project engineer at the Research & Development department of Damen Shipyards Gorinchem, initially in the field of resistance and propulsion of ships, but very soon he expanded his profession towards sound and vibration. Currently he is working as a principal engineer in the field of sound & vibration. In this function he is responsible to maintain Damen’s high standard for accurate sound and vibration level predictions as well as measurements.
Mr. Alfonso Moreno Rodríguez | Técnicas y Servicios de Ingeniería S.L.
Graduated by the polytechnic school of the Univerity of Carlos III in Madrid as Mechanical Engineer in 2009 and he is specialized in numerical simulations and dynamic analysis. He joined TSI in 2012 to work in its RDI department and since then he has been fully involved in Underwater Noise Research projects like AQUO and in the vibro-acoustic design of research vessels to comply with strict Underwater Noise Regulations.
Dr. Tonje Nesse Forland | Institute of Marine Research
Tonje Nesse Forland is working as a post doctor at the Institute of Marine Research, Norway. Her main focus is how sound from seismic surveys affect fish behavior and distribution. She has a PhD in acoustics from the University of Bergen, where she investigated broad band backscatter from fish without swim bladder. She has also worked for 3 years as a development engineer in a well company.
Dr. Heikki Peltonen | Finnish Environment Institute, Marine Research Laboratory
Heikki Peltonen is a senior research scientist in the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) in Helsinki, Finland. His research work includes topics such as Baltic Sea food webs, ecological modeling, bioaccumulation of harmful substances, assessment of populations of aquatic species with several methods including hydro-acoustics – and recently, underwater soundscapes and impacts of underwater noise on marine life.
Dr. Paul J Wensveen | Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland
PAUL WENSVEEN is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of St Andrews (UK) and the University of Iceland. Paul received his PhD in Biology and MPhil in Biology from the University of St Andrews and a BASc in Audiology from the Fontys University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands). Paul’s research includes the hearing perception of marine mammals and the effects of naval sonar on several species of cetacean, and he has worked on locations including Iceland, Azores, Svalbard, Jan Mayen and northern Norway.
Dr. Rebecca Dunlop | University of Queensland
Rebecca Dunlop is a physiologist and behavioural ecologist from the University of Queensland, Australia. Her primary research area is humpback whale behaviour ,acoustic behaviour and the effects of noise. She has a degree in environmental biology (Queens University, Belfast), a PhD in neurophysiology (Queens University, Belfast) and her post-doc studies were on humpback whale social communication.
Sensitivity & Pathology
Dr. Marta Solé | Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech (UPC)
Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics (LAB) of the Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech. She worked in the industrial hatchery production of cephalopods in private companies (ECOMAR S.L.) and monitoring the impact of the traditional fishing and trawling in cephalopod stocks (Institute of Marine Science (ICM) – CSIC. At LAB, she studies the effects of artificial sound sources and noise pollution on invertebrates (Cephalopods, Molluscs, Gastropods, Cnidarians, Crustaceans) and fish through Electronic Microscopy and Proteomic techniques.
Sensitivity & Pathology
Dr. Jayson Semmens | University of Tasmania
Associate Professor Jayson Semmens is an ecologist/ecophysiologist at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia. He and his research team are examining the potential impact of seismic air gun signals on important fisheries and ecological species, using a physiological approach.
Sensitivity & Pathology
Dr. Tormey Reimer | The University of Melbourne
Tormey graduated from the University of Melbourne, Australia, with a Master of Zoology in 2015. Her master’s research focused on the causes and consequences of vaterite deformations in the sagittal otoliths of farmed salmonids, and was primarily conducted at the Institute of Marine Research field station in Matre, Norway. She currently lives in California, USA.
Sensitivity & Pathology
Mr. Rune Roland Hansen | Departement of biosciences, University of Oslo
Rune Roland Hansen is undertaking his PhD thesis, “Effects of sound on evasive and feeding behaviour in fish and cetaceans”, at the Department of Bioscience – the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. The PhD project encompass a broad range of bioacoustic studies, aiming to address three essential topics: 1) effects of sound on alarm and evasive behaviour in fish; 2) effects of sound on fish feeding motivation and efficiency; and 3) effects of naval sonars on the behaviour of cetaceans. After graduating with a Master’s degree in Marine Biology from UiO in 2006, Rune worked part-time as a high school teacher in biology, and on projects related to marine environmental monitoring and consultancy work at institutions, such as, UiO, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, DNVGL and the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. Since 2008, he has been affiliated with the 3S (Sea mammal, Sonar and Safety) research endeavour to study behavioural effects of naval sonar on cetaceans. Rune was employed fulltime at DNVGL’s section for environmental monitoring in 2011, and is currently on leave from DNVGL while working on his thesis.
Sensitivity & Pathology
Dr. Michele Halvorsen | CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.
Dr. Michele Halvorsen is the Manager of Ocean Sound and Marine Life Business Services for CSA Ocean Sciences Inc., and is affiliated with the University of Maryland. She has over 16 years of project/program management and principle investigator experience involving the impacts of noise sources on marine animals. Dr. Halvorsen studied neurophysiology of the auditory system, ontogeny and development of sound localization the central auditory system in gerbils, neural encoding of ultrasound signals in fish, and auditory threshold responses in fish after noise exposure. She has managed field and laboratory projects that encompass large interdisciplinary teams investigating intense sounds (naval sonars, pile driving, marine hydrokinetic devices). Her current focus is on the effects of anthropogenic sound on the physiology and behavior of fish, substantial contributions to the field on barotrauma (tissue damage) response assessment of fish from pile driving, navy sonar, and tidal turbine noise. Dr. Halvorsen co-developed a Fish Index of Trauma model that maps the exposure sound metrics with fishes’ biological responses. Dr. Halvorsen also promotes the standardization of metrics for underwater sound, she was an influential member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) working group that developed and published “Sound Exposure Guidelines for Fishes and Sea Turtles” in 2014. Dr. Halvorsen is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) working group, working with other experts to develop standardized bioacoustic terminology applicable to marine life. The culmination of results from her projects has positioned Dr. Halvorsen as an international expert on bioacoustic terminology, science-based exposure guidelines, and expert in the effects of underwater sounds on fish and the environment.
Sensitivity & Pathology
Dr. Jolie Harrison | US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Jolie Harrison works at NOAA managing programs to implement the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act that: 1) allow for incidental marine mammal take resulting from activities such as military training or seismic surveys, and 2) allow for research, enhancement, and photography of marine mammals and ESA-listed fish and sea turtles. Jolie also co-leads the Ocean Noise Strategy, which lays out a comprehensive approach to align NOAA’s programs, authorities, and capabilities to better address the impacts of ocean noise on protected species and their habitat.
Sensitivity & Pathology
Dr. Frans-Peter Lam | TNO Acoustics & Sonar
Frans-Peter Lam is trained as an oceanographer. At TNO he did sonar research and was involved in research for the Royal Netherlands Navy on the effects of sonar sound since 2005. He is board member of the 3S-project that studies the behavioural responses of whales in Norwegian waters. At TNO research results are used for risk assessment tools. The research for the Oil and Gas Industry as presented at Oceanoise is a collaboration of TNO with the research group of Ron Kastelein at SEAMARCO.
Renewable Energy
Dr. Federica Pace | Baker Consultants Marine Ltd
Federica has been working on marine mammal acoustics and underwater noise impact assessment since 2003. Her skills combine an undergraduate training in marine biology with advanced studies in underwater acoustics and signal processing. applied to marine mammal sounds. Prior to consultancy her work involved recording songs of humpback whales in Madagascar with cabled hydrophones and sonobuoys, and conducting extensive analysis of the songs to produce automatic detection and classification algorithms.
Renewable Energy
Dr. Alain Norro | RBINS-ODNature
Dr Alain Norro is a physicist being active in the field of oceanography. After more than 15 years dealing with measurements and 3D hydrodynamical modelling, he joined in 2008 the field of underwater sound. Today he is mainly busy at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels with the data gathering and treatment in relation to the monitoring of marine renewables implementation offshore the North Sea Belgian coast.
Thu 5mn talks
Dr. Karen de Jong | University of Cologne Institute for Zoology General Ecology Ecological Research Station Rees
I am interested in how increasing noise-levels affect sexual selection and reproductive potential. I currently study effects of noise on acoustic and visual reproductive signals in fish. 2016-current: Postdoctoral researcher, Ecological Research Station Rees-Grietherbusch, University of Cologne, Germany. 2013-2015: Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, University of Tübingen, Germany 2006-2011: PhD Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim. 1998-2005: MSc Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands
Thu 5mn talks
Mrs. Karen Bussmann | University of Tuebingen
Karen Bussmann studied Biology at the University of Tuebingen, Germany (Bachelor 2011-2014, Master+Major Evolution and Ecology 2014-2017). She worked on reproductive investment and parental care of the common goby for her Bachelor thesis and following field jobs at the Baltic Sea and in Finland. She got to the issue anthropogenic noise in aquatic environments by conducting her Master thesis in Norway, investigating the influence of anthropogenic noise on reproductive behavior and vocal communication of the corkwing wrasse at the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen.
Thu 5mn talks
Dr. Michael Noad | The University of Queensland
Mike Noad graduated in veterinary science in 1990. He worked primarily in small animal practice in Australia and the UK before undertaking a PhD in humpback whale acoustic communication at the Univ. of Sydney in 1995. After finishing, he undertook a postdoc in biology at the Univ. of Queensland before joining faculty in the School of Veterinary Science where he continues to research humpback whale acoustic communication and the impacts of anthropogenic noise on whales.
Mrs. Maja Nimak-Wood | Gardline Environmental, UK
Maja Nimak-Wood Biography Maja is a Senior Marine Mammal Scientist and international consultant at Gardline Geosurvey Ltd, UK and a board member of the Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation, Croatia. Maja specialises in marine mammal mitigation providing advice on marine mammal legislations worldwide, research development, and impact assessments as well as developing and leading Marine Mammal Observer courses for UK, USA and New Zealand. Maja is also a Chartered Scientist and Chartered Marine Scientist at IMarEST with multiple publications at peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. Paul Holthus | World Ocean Council